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We're a branding agency. We believe in capturing people’s imagination with refreshing brand strategy and iconic creative work. We think brands should work hard for a living both creatively and financially.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority | Travellers Welcome

A couple of years ago, I remember the ''Travellers Welcome'' identity being launched by Abu Dhabi and thinking how original and different it was compared to the more artificial nation brands being promoted by other countries in the Middle East. Whereas other identities seemed to be all about ''logic''- shopping, leisure, hotels, lifestyle - here was an identity that was pure ' 'magic'', evoking the heritage and nostalgia of Arabia. While Dubai has raced from 0-60 in terms of its brand reputation internationally, and is now arguably paying a price for a loss of credibility, Abu Dhabi has proceeded in a far more understated way. It comes across as the antithesis of its louder neighbour. The challenge now is how this brand will evolve.

A couple of weeks ago, coming through Abu Dhabi International Airport I was greeted by the ''Travellers Welcome'' sign in the arrivals hall. It struck me that this powerful message and its romantic imagery needed to move on. I found its message a little one-dimensional and not broad and interesting enough to accommodate all the exciting aspects of the most powerful Emirate. To keep saying the same thing doesn't do justice to the potential of this identity and the brand now needs a framework to allow it to grow and develop.

It needs to clarify its target visitor and identify what makes them tick. Comprehensive consumer insight was the foundation stone for all our work with Wales. It needs to create a clear and ownable verbal identity that can give Abu Dhabi a distinctive and original voice in the world; the brand identity and communications needs a framework that allows it to grow. It feels a little stifled right now.

A nation brand that we are very involved with is Wales. We've worked with the Welsh Assembly Government since 2004 developing a core proposition for the nation brand and then, beneath that, brands for tourism, culture, inward investment and education. We created the idea of ''originality'' for the Wales brand, communicating the thought that this is a nation that does things differently and which is the home of original thinking. When the world zigs, Wales 'zags'.

The single most important asset of the Wales brand we created is its 'verbal identity' or brand language. While photographic and typographic style plays a significant part in communications, the way the brand speaks is what truly differentiates it. Wales has a confident, knowing and understated tone of voice that engages a like-minded consumer. Visit Wales talks about 'unpackaged holidays' and celebrates the lack of Starbucks outlets it has; Sport Wales welcomes the Australian cricket team by saying 'G'Dai'; International Business Wales encourages businesses to relocate for a better quality of life; Wales the True Taste invites consumers to remember what good, honest food tastes like. Abu Dhabi Tourism, like the nation it represents, has an incredible wealth of potential in the world travel market. To realise this, it needs some help.